Why Organic

Because we were always organic once, and knew nothing else.The concept of farming took a paradigm shift after Green Revolution. The revolution fossilized (oil-based) the agriculture system with the introduction of chemical fertilizers, mechanization and ultimately eliminating the local varieties of seeds by substituting local with High-yielding varieties of seeds. Aftermath of this was a drastic dependence by the farmers on outside sources. Farmers are no longer self-reliant as they do not even own their own seeds.

Before the emergence of green revolution and the concept of mass consumption, people were working in harmony with nature. Nepal was like that until 1960. Now, in every farming areas of the country, where there is road access there is use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

There are exceptions however: Farmers who have realized what they are doing to themselves, their body and to the fragile earth. This is what we bring to you. Some are certified, and some are not but as a passionate earth and body lovers, we are seeking out to those on the path towards organic farming.


Current Scenario

The food in the market currently has been contaminated with pesticides, hormones. The seed is not local and many products have been transported from long distance. So much we eat everyday is not local and is poisonous!

We need to make a conscious change to

To decrease environmental cost and make a headway into climate change

Local food grown sustainably preserves the soil in its original form. Organic farming uses no petroleum product such as the pesticides and denounces the mechanization that will ensure that we are not playing a part in the emission of CO2.

The biodiversity dependent on the healthy soil and water gets preserved. Your decision has an impact on the biodiversity, ecosystem and food and water security. We are poisoning our earth and ourselves. Make a choice to stop!

Challenge fossilized agriculture system

Our choice of local and organic food will add to the efforts to ensure that our farming system and farmers do not become the victim of todays industrialized farming system that will ultimately make the farmers dependent. We will lose the very indigenous knowledge that was based in synchrony with nature. Stand for local seeds, local food and chemical free farming system which will ensure a healthy ecosystem, lives and a safe future.

Fight for healthy lives for you, your kids and future generation

Chemicals in the food mean chemicals in your body. Unintentionally you are becoming a victim of the corporate poison which is driven by the the goal of mass production with no consideration of the future generation. Having the knowledge of what goes in your food is important to maintain a healthy body. What you choose to consume now at your house also affects the health of your kids and eventually the future generation. Be aware of the food you consume. Choose consciously. Be a part of the movement to also safeguard the purity of soil, water, and food for your children!

To sustain the local economy

Large-scale operations of farming are taking over the age-old small scale farming practices. Purchasing locally grown products will help support local farmers that will in turn build the local economy and further cultivate interest and enthusiasm to take care of our ecosystem, our indigenous knowledge and our farm-lands.