“Lovely ladies selling their organic produce”
We attended an opening of the organic outlet point in Hasera on March 30th 2013. This was a great effort from a women’s group called “Saag Paat” where about 30 women are actively involved in the group. After 12 years of effort and dedication the womens group have now finally started a weekly organic market. The women are full of enthusiasm and express their interest to continue growing organic. They are hopeful and expect to influence more women from their work and eventually influence other farmers in the area to convert their land into organic. Their beautiful smiles and their willingness to show a successful organic way needs to be appreciated. Kheti Bazaar is very much excited to work with the “Saag Paat” group and market their product. We want more people to come and support their work.
There was much variety of products on the table- such as potatoes, onions, nettle, lemons, varities of spinach, maize flour, maize grits, eggs, brown rice and much more.

Saag Paat group all together
Thumbs up to the great news!!!
We want to thank “ Saag Paat samuha” for their great effort and work. We wish you luck.